Surrendered Liberation

A Transformational Tantric Journey


 Koh Phangan



An Odyssey of Unfurling 

For your Awakening



A heartfelt immersion for spiritual seekers longing for a communal embrace and a space to explore the mystery of human experience.

This retreat is for those who long for a deeper, slower-paced container where we can explore our relationship to our bodies, the earth and other beings with devotion, tenderness and authenticity.

This journey aims to support you to explore what it is to live AS LOVE, rather than FOR LOVE, and to unfurl from survival patterns that restrict you from doing this.

To explore with an open heart and curious mind what it is to be a human on this Earth, part of something bigger than ‘Me’.

It's a retreat, a laboratory, a temple and a temporary tribe. A space where we'll slow down and feel, shed layers that are ready to shed and celebrate this wonderful wild existence together.

We'll be holding this experience as an emergent field with some structures and ideas planted, but a lot of space to flow with the aliveness of the group and what is needed most as we dive in together- to allow the group wisdom and creative genius to express through us as we surrender to life together.

Together we will dive into the yin power of surrendered leadership. We offer the notion of surrender as a pathway to liberation as we learn and experience it NOT as giving up or becoming inactive but rather as a deeper listening to truth and a moment-by-moment deeper participation with that truth, and an empowered humbling to the greater pattern of reality we inhabit, becoming vessels for lifeforce to flow through us. 
We offer surrendered liberation as a way of becoming free from the shackles of conditioning, trauma, shame and patterns that keep you feeling separate from the flow of life and your authentic expression. It’s a process of unfurling into your authentic moment-by-moment self as you dance through this life, experiencing all the flavours of reality this world has to offer. This approach doesn't require pushing or 'cracking' but a softening into the unified field. 
The Tantrika becomes aware of the filters on reality we all hold through our conditioning and distortions, and then practices to clear this lens so that they can experience life more intimately, authentically and in alignment with the greater pattern and flow of life. 
We stop resisting life, and surrender to the greater pattern playing out, learning to want what life wants and love who we are, where we are, in each moment- which includes loving not having what we want too, and loving the confusion and separation.
When we cooperate with what our body (our innate embodied knowing) is showing us, and learn to listen and honour its intelligence, rather than resisting or overriding - our body’s security system can begin to relax as we are listening to it. We can then step into deeper presence and connection with life as it is.
This opens us up to a powerful alchemical process. We have more capacity to awaken our compassionate and powerful heart-field and learn to relax into being with this existence exactly as it is and as we are. We can find a deep inner joy and freedom that goes beyond chasing peak experiences and the never-ending dis-satisfaction with ourselves - and sink more deeply into embodying who we already are, inviting in more potential, self-love, truer purpose, clarity, visionary gifts and more.
We start to orient to the fact that we are an embodiment of love, we are already worthy and we just need to wake up from the illusion of separation to come home to unity and harmony with life. 

Core Themes we'll Explore


We're inspired to welcome these themes into the container as part of this journey, with practices, rituals and inquiries surrounding these fascets over our week together. 

Tribal Wounds & Belonging: An invitation into this collective wound that is part of our systemic trauma, the water that we don’t know we are swimming in. Find your own unique place within this disconnection of the earth community, find your place in the web of life

Embodying Love in the Everyday: Learn to live from the heart, making love a devotional daily practice.

Authentic Expression: Who are we beyond our conditioning? How can we come into deeper connection with the truth of each moment? 

Embodied Relating : Discovering the deeper alchemical process at play in our relating, and being with the transformative magic that can happen when we are present to that alchemy.

Relational Healing: Where are we holding fears, projections and trauma around relationship and love, and how can we bring so much compassion, attunement and presence that we can come into healing. 

Somatic Trauma Resolution: Relational repair, regenerative somatic practices to awaken post traumatic growth.

Spiritual Awakening: Diving into the Tantric tradition's perspectives on Awakening to our infinite nature and it's relationship to our unique personality and self. 

The Power of Grace: Whether divine Grace is delivered in a way that feels good, or it's delivered as Fierce Grace, what is it that offers us the opportunity to become liberated?

Devotion Beyond Projections: Experience love beyond the personal, in its most expansive form.

Trance States & Goddess Worship: Enter altered states of consciousness, connecting with the fundamental lifeforce and power of creation

Deep Eros: What happens when we go slow enough to feel it all? Connecting to the sensual and erotic current of life beyond conditioned sexuality and feeling into the pulse of creation from deep within. 

Integrated Expansion: Move beyond the chase for peak experiences, grounding in sustained, everyday joy.

Ecological Reverence: Align with the Great Turning, the shift towards a life-sustaining, Earth-honouring relationship with this planet. 


Our  Values


Breaking out of ideas of how a spiritual person should look, act, dress or be- we shed the masks and honour each unique being as they are. We aim to create a space that honours however we are at that point in time and whatever we are moving through. 

Attunement and somatic safety

Our desire is to create a coherent and attuned space together where we slow down enough to not only feel ourselves but feel others deeply, creating a felt sense of safety where we can surrender deeper into the support of the group. We are calling in participants who have experience in embodiment and spiritual spaces and are able to show up for this intention- not seeking and forcing intense experiences but appreciating the quality that can come from deep presence and attunement amongst a community. 


Our work is focused on freeing people from conditioning placed on them by society and our upbringings to find out innate truth and wisdom. We are here to support your liberation and allow you full, authentic, loving heart to shine in this world. 

We acknowledge the responsibility that comes with leadership, and the duty of care we hold when offering an event such as this. We intend to show up as the best version of ourselves in service and support of this field of transformation. We believe in regenerative care and transformation, the duty of care we hold for you also extends to ourselves as we model supporting others in a way that’s win-win, where there is deep care yet no overextending, or being over responsible for others experiences and their own unique healing journey. 


All genders, sexualities, races, abilities and relationship styles are welcome to join if you feel the call and align with our values. Our team endeavours to support each participant with their unique needs and create a harmonious group field. Please reach out if you're not sure


We embrace our jungle nature environment as one of our teachers, as well as prioritising serving vegan and locally sourced food.


Your Facilitators for the Journey

Meet the team for this deep-dive

Luna Agneya

Organiser and facilitator

Luna is the lead facilitator and visionary behind the Liberating Love Collective, Headmistress of the Sensual Arts School and creator of the Bindu Breath Awakening method. She’s been creating events and spaces for sensual liberation and intimate connection for over 10 years and is known for her grounded, playful, deep and transformative experiences she offers that gracefully balance deep wisdom, trauma-informed emotional safety and the right dose of challenge to support embodied liberation and a coming home to our authentic essence. She works alongside her husband and co-creator Triss Tashi and also had over 5 years of experience as a relationship, spirituality and sexuality coach. 

Luna has studied and practised Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Breathwork and a variety of spiritual and somatic healing modalities over the years, getting certified as a Yoga, meditation and pranayama instructor in 2016 and graduating as a Tantric Sex, Love and Relationship coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (VITA)  in 2020 (an 800+ hr year-long training), as well as completing a Transformational Facilitator training, Somatic Shadow Work facilitator training, Tantric breathwork trainings (Osho style and VITA style), Awakened Body Somatic practitioner certification with Embodied Philosophy and countless years of workshops, retreats and courses on these subjects. She also passionately studies all things related to relationships, trauma and healing, spirituality and sexuality with a variety of teachers for well over 12 years.

​Luna has studied and practiced traditional Nondual Shaiva Tantra with Hareesh/Christopher Wallis at Tantra Illuminated since 2019, as well as studying nondual philosophy, spirituality, psychology and the path awakening with teachers from around the world to get a varied and holistic perspective. She's influenced by teachers such as Adyashanti, Jeff Foster, Rupert Spira, Sally Kempton, Kavitha Chinnaiyan and Lama Tsultrim Allione, and has been mentored by Harshada Wagner. She is inspired by teachings and texts from left-path Tantra, has formed a personal connection with the lineages through her teachers and is passionate about sharing the fruits of these teachings in a way that is accessible and relevant to the modern practitioner.

She also has completed a Trauma Awareness for Facilitators course along with extensive trauma study through her coaching and somatics trainings, and has a passion for embodied shadow work, Integrated and holistic healing modalities and traditional yogic teachings. She now runs facilitator trainings with the Sensual Arts School and Evolving Eros for others passionate about teaching integrated and grounded approaches to Sacred Eros and Liberation work.

​Before she moved into teaching she spent many years working with sexuality as a dancer and performance artist, as well as studying fashion design and graphic design. She's a queer, kinky, non-monogamous being who has been fascinated with alternative culture, intimacy arts and gateways to liberation for her whole adult life.

​She has guided countless workshops, dozens of retreats and multiple multi-week facilitator trainings, as well as having many more years of experience as an event manager and performer.

The Sensual Arts School ( )

Ellie Wilde


Ellie Wilde is a seasoned Transformational Guide and fully trained Somatic Therapist with over 20 years of experience guiding individuals and groups through deep, transformative processes. For 10 years, she served as a facilitator with the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), where she honed her skills in holding space for profound personal and collective transformation.

Ellie’s approach is deeply rooted in the principles of regenerative aliveness, love, and care. As a committed change maker, she is passionately in service to the Great Change unfolding in our world today. Her work centers on the interconnectedness of relating, intimacy, embodiment, sexuality, community, and soul.

With a unique style of surrendered leadership, Ellie weaves her magic through embodied practices, group processes, music, and ritual, creating a transformative space for participants to explore and expand their inner and outer landscapes, becoming more connected to their own embodied, inherent knowing.

Her events, workshops, and private sessions have undergone a significant recalibration over the past four years since her departure from ISTA, evolving into an entirely new trauma-informed way of holding and supporting individuals.

Ellie’s work with groups embodies a deep commitment to fostering a sense of aliveness and connection, helping others step into their true power and live in alignment with their authentic selves.

Triss Tashi

Support and Co-Facilitator

Triss discovered the bliss of tantra a few years ago and has been exploring its depths solo and with partners ever since. He has spent many days in containers practicing tantric arts which have given him an abundant appreciation for the vast pleasure, deep connection and lasting peace that it can bring.

He has now co-facilitated multiple Sensual Arts events and teacher trainings, so is well versed in the practices and guiding workshops in this field.

Triss brings plenty of exuberance, lots of care and tonnes of love with him wherever he goes and is excited to share it with you on this journey together.

What Awaits you­


As previously mentioned, the journey will be emergent, meaning we will not have a strict schedule and will tailor the experience to what is alive and needed in the field and follow the intuitive threads arising, however we have some inspiration and ideas of what we hope to weave in this time together to give you an idea of what you can expect. 

  • Circle Work
  • Tantric meditations and practices
  • Embodiment & Somatic Practices 
  • Embodied Shadow Work
  • Deep Eros Embodiment
  • Water contact dance
  • Unshaming & Self-Acceptance
  • Grief Ritual
  • Devotional Love exploration
  • Tandava/Void Dancing
  • Co-regulation & Attunement
  • Oracle Poetry 
  • Earth Rituals & Eco Sensuality
  • Non-Dual Embodiment & Transpersonal Ritual
  • Breathwork
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This is for you...

 This retreat is aimed at people who have been exploring the embodiment and spiritual world for some time already and are looking for a deep and nourishing space to dive into the mystery of existence together. 

We will not be going into 101 workshop-style talks on foundational concepts and the focus will be more experiential and ritualistic. 

This is perfect for you if you've spent some time in the 'workshop world' and you're craving a retreat space that is more of a journey and less education-focused, where we aim to embody and explore from what we've learned and what we continue to learn from each other, from nature and from life.

The retreat is 'Tantric' in nature, by this we mean that we focus on embodied spirituality, goddess worship, nondual and transpersonal elements and the path of awakening. It's a sexuality-positive space without being primarily focused on sexuality but honouring that current of life as sacred just as our emotions, thoughts, artistic expression and any other element of our humanity is sacred. 

Luna and Ellie both love to weave together trauma-informed and somatic practice with transformational work and ritual space- offering both the nourishment of slower-paced containers with the edge and mystery of the unknown. We intend to create a space that feels nourishing, expansive and integrative, rather than just being about peak experience chasing. 


Couples, friends, triads etc are welcome to join! There may be partnered practices or experiences you wish to do together or just journey separate. We have rooms suited to couples with a large shared bed. 

Sound like what you're looking for?

­The Venue - Koh Phangan


We have a beautiful jungle sanctuary for the retreat, on the East side of the island. 

All participants will stay on-site for the retreat and enjoy the beautiful space together for the week.

There is a waterfall nearby and a beach we can explore. There are various room types to fit different budgets and needs

The venue features a variety of beautiful rooms, a steam sauna, sunrise meditation deck and meditation cave. 

­Getting There

The quickest way to get to Koh Phangan is to fly to Koh Samui and get the ferry across which takes under an hour (there are many ports on Samui, a few are close to the airport) but often there are not so many flights to the island and they are much more expensive.

The next option is to fly to Surat Thani airport, get a bus to Donsak and get the ferry across to the island which takes about 3 hours. 

Otherwise, you can fly to Bangkok or Phuket and book a combination transport with bus and ferry or train and ferry. We highly recommend spending the extra money on the VIP bus if you take a bus as it can be very uncomfortable for such a long time. 

I recommend using ROME 2 RIO to look at your options, and to arrive a couple of days before the retreat so you have time to settle and reset before we begin!

The Investment






There are a variety of rooms for different budgets and price ranges. 

Twin-Share or Triple share is available. Some rooms are for couples as they have a large bed that can't be split in 2.

There are no options for a single room until the last few days before the retreat, unless you're willing to pay double for a room alone. We will email out any possibilities for solo-room upgrades a few days before if we are not sold out. 

Prices listed here are the total you will pay (all inclusive)




High-quality organic vegan/vegetarian food, three meals daily, tea, coffee, etc. 


Full Ticket price

From €1,530


Deposit of €500/pp to secure your space.

Earlybird Discount of 10% off until  30/10/24 


(all prices including room, food, retreat expenses, sauna evening)

See retreat rooms and pricing

Feeling that deep YES to this journey?



  1. Fill out the application form
  2. If you're approved, you'll get an email from our team to select the room you want
  3. Pay your deposit and get access to the Sensualist Essentials course so you can already start diving into your practice
  4. We'll get in touch closer to the retreat start date, opening a telegram chat for the retreat group and getting you excited for the journey!
  5. Full payment is due a week before the reteat begins
Apply Now

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